On trains: the Hungary pass is valid on all MÁV-START, MÁV-HÉV and GYSEV trains, but for trains with compulsory reservation (e.g. InterCity trains) you must also book a seat reservation in addition to the Hungary pass or Hungary24!
Please note: Only the normal tickets, Hungary pass and Hungary24 can be used on any train with compulsory reservation. The County pass and County24 are not valid on these trains.
On buses: for VOLÁNBUSZ services, the Hungary pass is only valid on interurban buses. For some long-distance bus services, you will need to buy a supplementary ticket in addition to the day ticket (or regular ticket), but this is not required with the 30-day pass.
Local transport: County passes can only be used on local transport (metros/trams/buses) in the following cities: Budapest, Csongrád, Esztergom, Érd. Zalaegerszeg until 31st December, 2024.
Daily tickets do not allow you to use local transport except Érd and Csongrád from 1st May, 2024 (although you can use interurban services between stations within any city).